• Flow Bar (map)
  • 31 David St
  • Old Bar, NSW, 2430
  • Australia

Ben Purnell resides at a seaside village in Northern NSW, Australia. Inspired by his favourite childhood bands (Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and Rage Against The Machine), Ben started writing songs at age 12. Playing rhythm guitar in the school rock band cemented his song-writing journey. During Year 12 and university Ben was lead vocalist for his first band CHXSM which went on to gig regularly for the next 5 years. CHXSM won numerous competitions, most notably Southern Cross University Band Competition, and placed top 3 at state level. After the band went different ways Ben bought himself a nice acoustic guitar to allow the music and creativity to keep flowing.

Ben's first EP 'From The Sun' was released in late 2016. Playing on the EP are former band mates Jacob Mann (Drums), Jarrah Griffith (Bass), and Nicolas Lemits (Lead Guitar). A mixture of genres appear such as indie rock, alternative, and even reggae. From The Sun is available on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play and other online music platforms.

Ben Purnell continues to write music inspired by his coastal existence and life experiences. He records, jams or writes down whatever idea comes to mind. He jams and performs weekly with a mixture of musical friends.

Over the past few years BP has performed mostly solo gigs, with the occasional duo or band performance. At these gigs he plays a majority of cover songs ranging from the 70s till now, while throwing in some originals. Artists covered range from Pink Floyd, INXS, Steppenwolf, to the Foo Fighters.

As life’s journey continues so will the desire to write, learn, play and listen to music.