Andy Wrigglesworth and Laura Coates are a couple of old souls, steeped in bluegrass tradition and draped in gothic Americana imagery. That kind of description might make them sound like some carefully contrived concept-act, but there's something truly different about The Weeping Willows: they really mean it.
Some might call Andrew a virtuoso, but he doesn't see himself that way. To him, the acoustic guitar is just that object that hangs permanently from his shoulders. He plays it with purpose and authority and it wraps itself around his and Laura's vocals with warmth and affection, never saying too much or too little.
Laura, for her part, stays as busy as a post-war housewife; complementing her partner's skill with voice that ranges from sugar-sweet to evangelically piercing, whilst regularly adding a little accordion, lap steel or even flute on the side. She's in possession of a calm self-assurance, her stoic stage presence the perfect foil for Andy's thinly veiled neurosis as they regale their audience with stories of sunshine and romance, God and The Devil, murder and decay. Real music.