James Bennett

@ Flow Bar this Friday 9 Jan, 6:30pm

James is  a young man of 24 who has grown up on the coast of NSW playing guitar, hanging out with friends, listening to Bob Dylan and surfing (there may have been some schooling in there too).

His music is best described as Rootsy/folk with influences such as Bob Dylan, John Butler and Xavier Rudd. Although James has a repertoire of cool covers, his real strength and appeal is in his original songs.  The last couple of years have seen James’ songwriting develop to a point where he has a good solid couple of sets of his own material . He has just released his first single, “Colourful kites” to follow his 2 EP’s and is getting great feedback from within the industry and the public alike. With and an album full of demo’s, James has no shortage of well crafted and likeable songs. Recent supports with Jeff Lang, The Black sorrows, Jordan Millar and Ian Moss, and sets at the Wingham Akoostic Festival   and Festival of the sun in Port Macquarie, things are definitely looking bright.


